Organic Fertilizers To Improve Soil Quality

Compost is an organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called composting. It is added to soil to help plants grow. Composting has many advantages - it enriches soil by suppressing plant diseases and pests and retaining moisture, it reduces the need for chemical fertilizers , it creates humus which is a nutrient rich material and it also lowers the carbon footprint. Organic cow manure compost is an excellent fertilizer for plants to grow. Cow manure becomes a nutrient-rich fertilizer, when it is turned into compost. It can be mixed into the soil or used as top dressing. Composted cow manure converts nutrients into easily accessible forms as it contains useful bacteria. Soil amendment is done to improve the organic content of the soil so that it is more capable of holding nutrients and moisture. Best organic soil amendment should be done based on the need of the soil. Soil may require nitrogen or the moisture holding ability of the soil may be requi...